Building Worker Power: Meet Your Regional Organizers

Since the National Executive Board unanimously approved Building Worker Power in August, we’ve worked diligently to put it into action. Our first major step was selecting Regional Organizers who will establish a trained and responsive internal organizing structure in each region. 

We thank the many members that applied to offer their considerable strengths and skills to the campaign and look forward to building up our capacity to fight the boss, together.

The NEB is pleased to introduce our eight Regional Organizers:

•               Atlantic Region: Brother George Nickerson

•               Quebec Region: Brother Richard Martin

•               Metro-Montreal Region: Brother Thomas David-Bashore

•               Central Region: Sister Cristina Ionescu

•               Metro-Toronto Region: Sister Mary Hylton

•               Ontario Region: Brother Asim Malik

•               Prairie Region: Brother James Ball

•               Pacific Region: Sister Ellen Bowles

Once they complete their initial training in Ottawa, the Regional Organizers will collaborate with the 3rd National Vice-President, their Regional Office, and the Locals within their region, and travel between locals starting in October to conduct work floor meetings, recruit new activists, and organize training opportunities for members to learn how to collectively assert their rights on their own work floors.

Roland Schmidt
3rd National Vice-President